
March 20, 2011

Common Functions and All-In-One Code Framework, productivity tools for ASP.NET developer

First, thanks to CommonData, an open source project, has recently published a new release on Codeplex with more examples.

It's the collection of sub projects, provides utilities principally for ASP.NET developer as well as tools for creating custom event logs, generating a data access layer.

The solution structure:

  • CommandDemo - Demo command-line program
  • CommonCS - C# version of the code library
  • CommonCSTest - C# unit test project of CommonCS
  • CommonLogon - C# class project to handle user authentication and authorisation (from 0.2X)
  • CommonLogonTest - C# unit test for CommonLogon
  • CommonObjectCS - C# class project for record structures
  • CommonParam - Data layer for the CommonParam project
  • CommonParamApplication - Web Application using CommonParam
  • CommonParamTest - C# unit test of CommonParam and CommonServiceAction to replace CommonParamWeb
  • CommonServiceAction - C# action class project for CommonServiceCS
  • CommonServiceActionTest - C# unit test of CommonServiceAction
  • CommonServiceCS - C# Windows Service using CommonServiceAction
  • CommonVB - VB.NET version of the code library
  • CommonVbTest - VB.NET test project of CommonVB
  • CommonWebService - Web Service sample
  • Demo - C# unit test project to test functions not (yet) part of CommonCS
  • CSWebApp - C# Web Application
  • VBDemo - VB.NET Web Application
  • VBTest - VB.NET unit test project to test various functions in CommonCS

Thereto, a lot of code samples of Microsoft all-in-one Framework project are also available for downloading for both Visual studio 2008 and 2010. 

They are used to demonstrate to typical programming topics about ASP.NET. Many of them are requested by developers.